To remain competitive and enhance profitability, hotels must adapt to ever-changing guest expectations, harness advanced technologies, and optimize their sales strategies. Seekda’s web-based solutions offer a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline operations, maximize direct bookings, and improve overall guest experiences. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why hotels need robust sales solutions, how Seekda delivers these capabilities, and what specific features distinguish it from other platforms.


Why Effective Sales Solutions Are Crucial

The shift toward digital bookings has significantly transformed the hospitality industry, making direct bookings through hotel websites increasingly vital. Here’s why effective sales solutions are crucial:


  • Cost Savings: Direct bookings eliminate high commission fees associated with third-party platforms, allowing hotels to retain more revenue.
  • Valuable Guest Data: Direct bookings provide valuable guest data, which can be used for personalized marketing and enhanced customer service.



  • Sales Goals Achievement:

    • Increasing Occupancy Rates: A key objective for hotels, which can be better managed through efficient booking systems.
    • Maximizing Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR): Ensuring that each room generates optimal revenue.
    • Fostering Guest Loyalty: Building strong relationships with guests to encourage repeat business.
  • Seamless Booking Experience: A smooth and intuitive booking process enhances the guest experience and increases the likelihood of direct bookings.
  • Efficient Channel Management: Managing online channels efficiently ensures consistent pricing and availability, preventing issues like overbooking.
  • Comprehensive Data Analytics: Access to detailed analytics helps in understanding booking trends, guest preferences, and marketing performance, enabling data-driven decision-making.


Seekda’s platform addresses these challenges with a robust booking engine, integrated channel management, and a suite of marketing tools, collectively enhancing a hotel’s ability to meet and exceed its sales targets.



How Seekda’s Solutions Support Hotel Sales

Seekda’s web-based solutions provide hotels with a comprehensive toolkit for optimizing sales and operational efficiency. Here’s a closer look at how Seekda helps hotels achieve their sales goals:


1.Direct Booking Engine: Seekda’s booking engine is crucial for hotels aiming to increase direct bookings and reduce third-party commissions, thereby retaining more revenue. The engine is customizable, allowing hotels to match it to their brand’s aesthetics. It also supports dynamic pricing and special promotions, enabling exclusive offers that attract direct bookings. AlpenParks Hotels, for instance, implemented seasonal promotions using Seekda’s booking engine, resulting in a 20% increase in direct bookings during the winter season.

2.Google CPC and CPR Integration: Seekda’s platform supports both Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Reservation (CPR) advertising models, offering flexibility in optimizing marketing spend based on specific goals. A hotel aiming to boost awareness may prefer CPC, while another focused on conversions might choose CPR. AlpenParks Hotel effectively utilized CPC campaigns to enhance visibility and CPR campaigns to maximize bookings, efficiently managing their budget and achieving optimal results.

3.Comprehensive Channel Management: Channel management is key to ensuring consistent pricing and availability across all distribution channels. Seekda’s channel manager synchronizes data across platforms like Google My Business and TripAdvisor, preventing overbooking and maintaining rate consistency. The AlpenParks Hotel chain successfully utilized Seekda’s channel management to maintain rate parity across various online travel agencies (OTAs), resulting in a more stable revenue stream.

4.PMS Integration: Integration with Property Management Systems (PMS) is essential for efficient hotel operations. Seekda seamlessly integrates with major PMS providers, streamlining room assignments, housekeeping, invoicing, and guest management. This integration is especially valuable for larger hotels, where managing complex operations can be challenging. A large resort in Austria automated room assignments and housekeeping schedules using Seekda’s PMS integration, significantly reducing manual errors and improving operational efficiency.

5.Marketing Tools and Analytics: Seekda offers advanced marketing tools and analytics to boost hotel visibility and performance. Features such as dynamic banners, custom widgets, and real-time data tracking enable hotels to engage effectively with potential guests. The platform’s analytics tools allow hoteliers to monitor key metrics like conversion rates, booking trends, and guest demographics, facilitating data-driven decision-making and strategic adjustments. AlpenParks Hotels, for example, used Seekda’s analytics to identify peak booking periods and tailor their marketing campaigns, resulting in a 15% increase in bookings during these times.



What Sets Seekda Apart

Seekda’s solutions stand out due to their user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and exceptional support for hotel sales. Here’s what makes Seekda unique:

  • Flat Annual Fee: Seekda provides a flat annual fee for its booking engine, regardless of the number of bookings. This pricing model offers cost predictability and encourages hotels to maximize their direct booking potential without worrying about additional fees. Hotels can confidently promote their booking engine, knowing that extra costs won’t be incurred regardless of booking volume.
  • Customization and Personalization: The platform enables hotels to fully customize the booking engine and marketing materials to reflect their brand identity. This includes multi-language support, which caters to international guests and enhances their overall experience. A boutique hotel in Vienna, for example, used Seekda’s customization options to craft a distinctive booking experience that appealed to their international clientele, leading to an increase in direct bookings.
  • Global Reach: Seekda’s presence in multiple countries and support for various languages allow hotels to expand their reach and appeal to a global audience. This is particularly advantageous for properties in tourist-heavy destinations where attracting international guests is essential. Seekda’s global distribution capabilities ensure effective marketing to a diverse audience.
  • Real-Time Data and Insights: The platform provides real-time insights into booking trends, guest preferences, and marketing performance, which are crucial for adapting to changing market conditions. During a sudden increase in demand for staycations, for instance, Seekda’s real-time data enabled hotels to adjust their marketing strategies swiftly, offering targeted promotions that boosted bookings.




In the highly competitive hospitality industry, achieving and surpassing sales goals requires a strategic approach and the right technological tools. Seekda’s web-based solutions provide a comprehensive, user-friendly platform that empowers hotels to optimize direct bookings, manage distribution channels efficiently, and enhance guest experiences. By leveraging Seekda’s capabilities, hotels can not only meet but exceed their sales targets, ensuring sustained growth and success in an ever-evolving market.



1. HospitalityNet. (2020). [93% of Travelers Want Personalized Experiences](

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