
Create tailored booking engines for every sales context, ensuring a personalized and seamless booking process for your guests.

CIRCLES advantages

Unique booking solutions

circles overview

Customized booking engines

Tailor to every sales context

Create multiple booking engines for the same property, each with unique settings and styling tailored to specific selling contexts.

Streamline event bookings

Provide exclusive booking processes for event organizers and guests, driving conversion and saving overhead costs.

circles overview

Tailored marketing solutions

Targeted marketing campaigns

Reward loyal guests and attract newsletter subscribers with targeted marketing campaigns and tailored promotions.

Optimized marketing spend

Lower marketing spend by targeting specific audiences with customized promotions and captivating deals.

circles overview

Flexible pricing strategies

Price sensitivity

Cater to price-sensitive bookers without affecting regular rates, capturing bookings from all types of customers.

Effective marketing labels

Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity with effective labels like ‘Hurry Now’, encouraging immediate bookings.

Unlock the power of Seekda today!

Ready to boost bookings? Contact Us now to learn how Seekda’s innovative solutions can transform your business.

Become a Seekda Partner

As a partner, you’ll have the opportunity to work with one of the leading hotel tech companies and position yourself as an expert in the industry. Join Seekda as a partner and elevate your business with our cutting-edge hotel technology solutions.

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    Werden Sie Partner

    Als Partner haben Sie die Möglichkeit, mit einem der führenden Hoteltechnologieunternehmen zusammenzuarbeiten und sich als Experte in der Branche zu positionieren. Schließen Sie sich Seekda als Partner an und verbessern Sie Ihr Geschäft mit unseren innovativen Hoteltechnologielösungen.

      By pressing the submit button I agree that my personal data will be processed in accordance with Seekda's Privacy Policy.*

      Book a Demo

      Are you ready to take your hotel to the next level? Book a personalized demo with one of our experts to see how Seekda’s innovative solutions can help you increase bookings, streamline operations, and boost revenue.

        By pressing the submit button I agree that my personal data will be processed in accordance with Seekda's Privacy Policy.*

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