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Self-Mapping Tool Now Available for Additional Channels

With our self-mapping tool on Seekda, we have made managing OTA channels even easier and many customers are already benefiting from it! No more cumbersome lists or Excel files. With just a few clicks you can seamlessly connect to major OTA channels like, Expedia, Feratel, Tomas,and Kurzurlaub!

Just go to Interfaces > Self Service in Hotel Manager and you'll find a comprehensive list of all external channels included in your contract. Click on the paper clip icon next to each channel to easily assign your rooms and rates. Need help? We've got you covered with handy step-by-step instructions and visual aids!

With the self-mapping tool, you can instantly manage your seasonal inventory and rate changes without relying on support. When updates are needed, you can now make them yourself!

And guess what? We're working hard to expand the self-mapping tool to all other OTA channels in the coming weeks! So stay tuned for more exciting updates.

Hotel Room

Almost there, the first step towards realizing your sales goals is just a mouse click away!

Contact our Hotel Technology Team at 

+43 1 236 5084-88 

by e-mail or simply use the contact form.

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