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Seekda 2023: A Year of Impressive Achievements

As the curtain falls on 2023, the Seekda community can collectively bask in the glow of a year marked by unprecedented success and growth. The performance metrics for the past twelve months reveal a thriving ecosystem, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of the hospitality industry in the face of global challenges.

Record-Breaking Transactions. One of the standout achievements for Seekda in 2023 is the remarkable surge in transaction volume. The numbers speak for themselves, with a staggering 10.2% increase compared to the previous high of 2022. This milestone not only underscores Seekda's robust platform but also reflects the trust and preference hotel owners in utilizing Seekda's services.

Elevated Booking Values. Beyond the sheer volume of transactions, Seekda witnessed a substantial uptick in the average booking value, showcasing the platform's ability to cater to a diverse range of travelers seeking quality accommodations. The average booking value surged from 789 EUR in 2022 to an impressive 835 EUR in 2023, indicating not only an increase in bookings but also a trend toward more lucrative reservations.

Boost in Room Nights and Revenue. A key indicator of success in the hospitality sector is the increase in room nights and revenue, and on this front, Seekda soared to new heights in 2023. Seekda customers experienced a significant upswing in both metrics, attesting to the platform's effectiveness in driving bookings and maximizing revenue potential for its partners.

Dominance in Direct Bookability. Alongside, direct bookability through the booking engines of Seekda, DSR and KUBE, emerged as the most preferred platform for guests making reservations in 2023. This not only solidifies Seekda's position as a leading player in the market but also highlights the seamless and user-friendly experience offered to guests through these platforms.

As we step into a new year, the achievements of 2023 serve as a strong foundation for continued growth and innovation within the Seekda community. The future looks promising, and Seekda is well-positioned to further shape the landscape of the hospitality industry, offering unparalleled value to both guests and property owners alike.

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