New display of guest ratings on the KUBE

Seekda has been a partner of the German company TrustYou for many years and offers its customers the possibility to use TrustYou’s analysis tools in combination with the Hotel Manager. Seekda customers benefit from a successful rating management thanks to this interface: TrustYou screens hotel ratings and converts this content into clear results and representations that you can easily analyze, monitor and manage with clear tools.

A recent update to the Seekda Booking Engine introduced a new, optimized display of the TrustYou Score. A prominent logo now shows how guests rate the business they are looking for as soon as one calls up the KUBE.

Clicking on the general guest rating opens a pop-up window with more detailed information about the accommodation. Using the various filters available to guests, they can view only selected reviews, for example by language or type of trip. Finally, the highlights of the hotel according to the guests’ opinion and the ranking compared to other establishments in the same location are displayed.

The use of TrustYou and its extended display is now available to all Seekda Plus customers! You can request the activation of the channel directly in your Hotel Manager under the menu item Connections > Interfaces. Our HTS team will then contact you.

Don’t miss the opportunity to share with your potential new customers what satisfied guests say about your hotel and what made the vacation experience in your establishment special!

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