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New Customer Service Hours

As part of our ongoing efforts to optimize our resources and provide you with the best possible support, we have made changes to the accessibility of our customer service.

As of July 3, our customer service team is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. By aligning our hours with the times our customers are most likely to need help, we want to provide you with better support when you need it.

We understand the importance of quick and effective communication, and this change will allow us to use our resources more efficiently while maintaining the high standards of service you have come to expect from us. Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction and provide you with the best possible experience when interacting with our team. Thank you for your understanding!

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Contact our Hotel Technology Team at 

+43 1 236 5084-88 

by e-mail or simply use the contact form.

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