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Individualized Email Communication to Enhance the Guest Experience

Create customized emails to enhance your guest's experience by providing pre-departure information or sending special messages at checkout. You have full control over when these emails are sent, either before or after their departure, and at your preferred time.

With complete creative freedom over the content of the message, you can use convenient placeholders to ensure that each communication feels personal. Here are a few practical suggestions: Send check-in details or directions the day before they arrive. Alternatively, send a thank-you message after they check out, perhaps including an exclusive discount for future stays at your hotel.

This process is fully automated: once you have configured the initial settings, the system will seamlessly send these emails to your guests without any manual intervention.

Discover this feature now! You can find it in your Seekda account under Guests > Guest Emails.

Hotel Room

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+43 1 236 5084-88 

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